Dynamic Capital Equipment Finance

Lake Excavating Ltd has been utilizing Dynamic Capital for our equipment financing requirements for the last 4 years. During that time we have received outstanding service and support in every area. We have in the past utilized other equipment finance options but can state with certainty that our experience with Dynamic in a range of important areas is far better than their competition.

Dynamic Capital is excellent many important areas.

  • Competitive rates
  • Response times to finance requirement
  • Financing options that have a range of offering
  • Pro-active and consistent communication, Dynamic Capital has an outstanding and consistent customer management team
  • Excellent understanding of the market and their customers needs.

Lake Excavating Ltd gave Dynamic Capital a try on equipment 4 years ago. They are now our primary vendor for all our equipment purchases and our first call for any finance requirements. I highly recommend Dynamic Capital and their team of professionals for you financing requirements.

Dynamic Capital
Founded in 2009, Dynamic Capital has grown into an industry leader in equipment financing leasing in Western Canada.

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